The 13th Hong Kong French Speech Competition 2023

The French Speech Competition, 13th edition will be by divided in two phases this year: a selection phase by video and a face-to-face final in March 2024.

For all participants:

  • Step 1: Inform your French teacher of your willingness to participate in the competition.
  • Step 2: Register with your teacher.
  • Step 3: Start practicing your performance.
  • Step 5: Submit the link to your video to your teacher. Your teacher will pass the information to AFLE on or before January 12th, 2024.
  • Step 6: You will be informed in February 2024 if you are selected for the final.
  • Step 7: The face-to-face final will take place in a school during the Month of March 2024. Winners will be announced and receive their prizes on the same day.
  • Step 8: Your teacher will receive your certificate before the end of May 2024.


Please read the following ‘Rules and Regulation’ of the competition for more specific questions and check updates on



Schools and students who would like to participate in our 13th Hong Kong French Speech Competition 2023 must contact their teacher(s) of French, who must be a member of our association (if you are a teacher, and not yet a member of AFLE, please register here).  

There will be no competition for the following category :
"francophones", "non francophones" reading and choral

Competition Documents

1. Rules and regulations 2023

Last updated on December 01, 2023
Document Adobe Acrobat 230.2 KB

2. List of competition texts

Last updated on March 19, 2024
13e FSC-Texts_2023.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 204.1 KB

3. Important dates

Last updated on November 20, 2023
Document Adobe Acrobat 961.4 KB

4. Payment record form

To be completed by the teacher. Each teacher in charge must complete only ONE form and send it to AFLE together with only ONE cheque.
This Excel sheet will calculate the amounts automatically, teachers only need to enter the number of candidates per category, their name and school, and the information regarding the payment. Then, export the document as a pdf file, sign it and send it to us with your payment.
Last updated on 05 December 2023
Feuille de calcul Microsoft Excel 20.5 KB

5. Categories of events and fees

Last updated on November 20, 2023
Document Adobe Acrobat 200.3 KB

6. Guidance notes for video submission

Information regarding the recording and sharing of your video.
Last updated on November 28, 2023
Guidance Notes “Video Submission” FSC 20
Document Adobe Acrobat 177.8 KB

7. Poster of the 13th French Speech Competition

***Coming Soon***
For display on the classrooms' walls.
Capture d’écran 2023-11-25 à 15.59.40.
Format d'image Portable Network 7.0 KB