7th Hong Kong French Speech Competition 2016

Schools and students who would like to participate in our 7th Hong Kong French Speech Competition 2016 must contact their teacher(s) of French, who must be a member of our association.


If you are a teacher, and not yet a member of AFLE, please register here


This year, online registration!


Registration forms:



A. Competition documents

1. Rules and regulations 2016

Rules and regulations 2016
FSC 7th Rules and Regulation 2016.docx
Document Microsoft Word 33.2 KB

2. Annexes

Annex 1: List of competition texts

List of competition texts 2016
List of texts 2016.docx
Document Microsoft Word 25.7 KB

Annex 2: Important dates

Important Dates 2016
FSC_important dates_2016.docx
Document Microsoft Word 29.4 KB

Annex 3: Payment Record Form

Payment Record Form 2016
Document Microsoft Word 77.0 KB

Annex 4: Categories and Events and Fees

Categories and Events and Fees 2016
Categories and events and fees 2016.docx
Document Microsoft Word 23.4 KB

Annex 5: Prose reading passage form (for Solo Prose Reading events)

Prose reading passage form 2016
Prose_reading_passage 2016.doc
Document Microsoft Word 40.5 KB

B. Competition Calendar and Venues

Competition Calendar 2016 (updated 07/11/16)
Document Microsoft Word 67.0 KB